Musings as I travel through life's journey

Musings as I travel through life's journey

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Konkoran Kookiness

Aiiiiiiyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeee aiyeeeeeeeee aiyeeeeeeee!!!” *Cue clashing of cutlasses and screaming children running down the dirt path, enter stage left konkoran in full regalia.* Some of you may have experienced the fear and terror that comes with a konkoran, others of you may have only heard of such horror, but I am here to tell you not all konkorans are as they appear. In this edition of Myth busters and Misconceptions I will shed some light on what these bad boys do and the reason they do what they do.

            So you may be wondering “who can be a konkoran?” Can anyone put on the regalia and run around the village? The answer is no, all konkoran’s are male. These men are usually above the age of 25 and must have knowledge of spiritual-defense and the power for spirits to fear them. The purpose of the konkoran is mainly to protect people who are circumcised from evil spirits but they can also protect anyone in the village from malicious spirits as well. In my village, Besse, we had a konkoran come around after a mother gave birth. He did so because she had given birth to stillborn’s only and it was the konkoran’s job to protect this child from the evil spirits because the baby lived.

Konkoran’s can be found in many different events such as cultural events, drumming circles, fundraising, and after a circumcision ceremony is held. Male circumcision goes along with the Islam faith but the konkoran is more of a cultural tradition. A konkoran is present during all male circumcision ceremonies to be the young boys’ body guard. The konkoran also accompanies boys back to the village after the ceremony to keep them safe. Not all konkorans are meant to induce fear. A Zimba is the name of the konkoran who wears leaves and must be a phenomenal dancer; these konkorans can show their faces. The spiritual konkoran wears red bark, carries a cutlass, and is required to hide their face. A spiritual konkoran demands respect and must be feared by everyone, especially spirits, which is why they carry the cutlasses.

            Women are not allowed to know all the secrets of the konkoran and as a white woman, I was lucky to be let in on as much as my people would share. Ishmaila Ceesay, a friend in village said in this area there is really no gender equality and there really cannot be. Women must respect the konkoran and fear them more because there is superiority from men to women. Another reason people fear the konkoran is because they cannot be prosecuted by law.

            When we as guests in this country encounter a konkoran we should explain we are on our way somewhere and ask to be forgiven. If we have a token of some kind such as 5 dalasis or anything we should give a small token as a form of begging for being in the way of the konkoran. The konkoran is such a fun way to view this culture. Even when people are afraid and they run they enjoy the fear and fun that goes along with it. So next time you hear the konkoran’s cry, tighten your running shoes, and book it to the nearest compound with the rest of your screaming comrades. 

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