Musings as I travel through life's journey

Musings as I travel through life's journey

Monday, July 23, 2012

Bonjour Paris!

Saying goodbye to London and hopping on the train to Paris was a much sadder experience than I ever thought it would be. I looked out the window and then I was in tunnel as I was transported under water to France. I was served the smallest meal known to man, with a little bottle of wine. When the train arrived a man offered to help me lift my pack because it weighs 100 pounds (I gladly accepted). People say the metro in Paris is one of the best in the world, well not as good as London! The line I needed to get to my hostel was closed so I had to hike to another. I finally got to the one I needed and got on. I got off where I needed to and followed the signs to the next line which led me out onto the street in a sketchy neighborhood. I quickly went back underground and tried to find where I was supposed to go again, finally I succeeded. I got off at my stop and hailed a taxi. He drove me to my hostel, which was about a five minute walk away from the metro haha oh well at least I wasn't trying to find it in the dark alone.

The Loft is the hostel I am currently staying in. It is only a month new and pretty lovely. My only complaints are there are not any lockers, and my door does not lock. Everything else is wonderful, and I have met great people that I'm rooming with. One of the girls is from Italy and told me two weeks would be wonderful there. She said she would tell me where to go in Rome, what to eat, and how to have a fabulous two weeks!

I have seen and done so much in Paris these past two days it is crazy! On the first day, which was Sunday I saw Moulin Rouge, Champs- Elysees (where we accidentally saw the Tour de France end), Arc de Triomphe, Sacre-Coeur, and Montmartre. Today we went to Notre-Dame Cathedral, Memorial de la Deportation, Saint-Chapelle, Pont Neuf, the Seine, left bank, the Obelisk, the Eiffel Tower, and the Louvre. Oh sheesh I could spend a week in there and not have seen it all. I saw Venus de milo, the Mona Lisa, Egyptian Sphinx, and Winged Victory of Samothrace. Those were the most impressive! I stood in front of the Mona Lisa for 20 minutes just in awe. I wanted to cry and jump for joy all at once. The feeling it invokes in everyone must be different. I thought it was amazing, I know a lot of people get disappointed when they see how small it is. I was not disappointed at all it was what I expected and more! No picture has or will ever do it justice, I can say that much.

I love Paris, it is so gorgeous. People can drive motor cycles, and vespas on the sidewalk, which is very scary. I am almost more scared of bikers than I am of cars. I am still having the time of my life and I have two more days here. I could not be happier, Paris is a dream. Oh and I ate a huge Nutella crepe and I can honestly say it was awesome, but not as good as Madame's (maybe I am biased) I think I have enough that I worked off everything I ate in London, here, and in Rome (and I have not even eaten there yet). I am officially pooped for the day so I am going to head out. My next post will most likely be from Rome. Gosh, is this real life? A tout a l'heure!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Laters London

Man oh man! One minute I was on the tube headed for London for five weeks, the next I am saying goodbye to all my teachers who taught me everything I know about journalism. Time is such a funny thing. It is the perfect day to be teary eyed in London, the weather is gloomy, and my last day is slowly coming to an end. These past five weeks have been magical, and I know I will NEVER forget them. I have the most bittersweet feeling in the pit of my tummy. I am sad to be leaving London and all of the new friends I have made, but so excited to be headed to Paris. Okay I do not want this whole post to be so melancholy so I will tell you a little bit about my last few days here.

A couple days ago (and by a couple I mean I have no idea because I clearly cannot keep track of the days here) I went to the Tate Modern. I loved it! A lot of people don't like modern art, and I can understand why. People look at something and say, "shmhh I could make that." Well you didn't and that's why it's hanging in this museum without your name by it. Also some of the pieces are a tad weird.  For example, a string inside a frame. Some would say marvelous! I look at it and see a string inside a frame. However, one piece that stood out to me was of a microscopic sized woman sweeping a huge and long pile of dirt. This signified that a woman's days work is always humongous, and is never really finished. The other art that I did not care for was the poop on a stick piece. That is just not art to me, it is literally and figuratively poop! Any-who after the Tate Modern I walked over the Millennium Bridge (which is in Harry Potter) and saw St. Pauls Cathedral. The Cathedral was ginormous and had 530 steps to climb for a beautiful view of London. Naturally, the asthma I have that I do not actually have set in and I was huffin and puffin around the 20 step mark, but I persisted. On the way up I thought about the Olympians and how that task would be so easy for them, then my mind wandered to what step I was on, finally, when I reached the top the Hallelujah chorus sprang into life in my head. The view was breathtaking, and of course because I had done all that work, and climbed all those stairs, when I went to take a picture, my camera was dead. Which is sadder for you all than it is for me, I will always have a mental picture of that the view was like that day.

Last night we all went to Proud Camden which is in Camden Town where Amy Winehouse is from. The town looked like a circus or carnival. Little huts on the sides of the street with sketchy people, lights, and protruding figures from buildings (not for the faint of heart or mind). The club Proud Camden was in old horse stables which was awesome! The atmosphere was so unique and different compared to any other club we had gone to previously. Lights, loud music, separated by barn doors, and stables. I left before the tube closed because there was no way in heck I was getting lost in Camden Town.

Today I head to Shakespeare's Globe as my final ticketed event for my London trip. There is so much I got to do, and so much I still want to do (which is great because it gives me an excuse to come back)! I have to pack tonight which should be a fun experiment since I bought so much stuff while I was here. I ripped out the pages of Rick Steve's Guide that I need for the rest of my trip and donated it to the school. I will be in London tomorrow until around 5pm, but I am going to try and write my last feature for my arts class, so I probably won't have time to go to any museums. If I can, I will go to the Victoria and Albert Collection, and the Imperial War Museum. I am starting to get teary eyed just thinking about leaving, so I need to go and preoccupy myself with something else. Cheers mates!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ummm...Wait! I Just Got Here

6 days left... I don't even know how that happened! The time has been flying by and once again I am wishing time did grow on trees. I have done and seen more than I ever thought possible. London and I have really suited each other. I even got to go to Scotland which is a dream come true. I would love to go back someday because I was only there for a couple days. Edinburgh was magical, the architecture was more gothic than the architecture here in London but still lovely. When we first got to Edinburgh it was raining dumping buckets after buckets of water on the three of us, and still we trudged on in search of our hostel. After hiking, winding, slipping, and sliding we stopped under an archway for some shelter from the wetness. The three of us were soaked, hungry, and our sense of hope and adventure destroyed by the relentless rain. We gave up and called a taxi. We stayed at the Castle Rock Hostel which was an easy twenty steps away from Edinburgh Castle. The view from our room was stunning.

Wow I got sidetracked there, sorry about that. Back to London. I realized when I got here I was trying to lead two separate lives, kind of like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (but less crazy).  I had this one Coleen who wanted to be everything she was back at home. Then I realized another Coleen could be created one that no one had ever seen before. Ultimately I could be whomever I wanted to be. The idea was thrilling and exciting. However, I realized I like the mix of the two. Myself, with new added adventurous flair fully loaded and ready for the times ahead. Instead of totally and completely leaving myself and world behind from the US I brought pieces of it with me.

What I knew was inevitable has officially happened, I have changed. I knew this journey/experience would change me but I was not sure how. For starters those of you that know me know I am extremely organized, plan almost everything, and keep my room in pristine condition. Well here in London none of those traits stuck. My life is chaos, and I love it! I find myself wanting to get lost in London like a challenge to win. I will wonder around in hopes I can find something amazing, and almost every time I do. I try not to plan events. I wake up in the morning, go to class, and when I'm done with class think to myself "what would I like to do today," and I do it (what a crazy idea right?!?) It is so nice not to get caught up in the time or worry about where I need to be when, it's what's the word I want to use...refreshing. I feel rejuvenated and excited about life, thanking God everyday I wake up to be here living another day. As for my room, you would all be pleased to know it is organized chaos. I haven't done laundry in a couple weeks and it's totally awesome!

I really am going to miss London and the plethora of people who are temporarily residing here. The city is a hustling bustling whirlwind, and is getting worse as the olympics quickly approach. However, I do miss my family, friends, and especially Shea. I look forward to seeing you all when I come home, but I still have threeish weeks left here and I am going to take them for all their worth. I hope Paris and Italy are ready for me because I sure am ready for them.

I cannot stop thinking about Madame as I think about my trip to Paris. I know I will see her everywhere, and my heart will be filled with joy as I fulfill the dream she had for me. She always urged me to go and told me everything I had to see. I miss her so much, and cannot wait to see what Paris has in store for me.

I have terribly mixed feelings about Italy. Do not get me wrong, I am overjoyed to be going to Rome. However, this will be the first time I have ever fully traveled alone, and I am a little apprehensive since I don't speak Italian. I also will be staying in hostel, and I'm hoping I make friends quickly. I wish I still had the mentality of an elementary school student where I could just walk up to someone and say, "hey want to be friends." Two weeks in Italy at this moment seems like eternity, but I know once I get there I will be saying ummmm...Wait! I just got here when it's time to go home.

I am sorry my thoughts are so sporadic, this is just a glimpse f what my brain actually does on a daily basis. I am certain I have missed saying some things I want to say but I cant write everything because then I won't have anything to tell you later. Until my next post, cheers!